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summer pet safety summer pet safety

Summer Pet Safety: 5 Best Practices

Keeping your pet safe and happy in the summer requires a few extra steps. You can review the best tips for summer pet safety with our Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic team. We offer veterinary services in Tucson, AZ. Find out more by calling us at 520-889-9643

1. Keep Your Pets Out of Hot Cars

The temperatures outside can quickly shoot past 100 degrees in Tucson during the summer months. Cars, even if you have the windows cracked, intensify this heat. Temperatures can climb by more than 20 degrees in only a few minutes, representing a health risk for your furry friend. 

Cats and dogs do not sweat, so they overheat more quickly. Ten minutes in a hot car can have deadly results for pets. If you do leave your pet in a hot car, keep an eye out for these symptoms associated with heatstroke: 

  • Shallow panting
  • Tacky gums
  • Sunken eyes
  • Lethargy 

Get your pet to a vet as quickly as possible if you notice any of the above. 

2. Monitor Pets Around Pools

Part of summer safety involves ensuring safe pool usage. Cool water can feel very tempting on a warm day, even to our animal companions. They often jump into or enter pools in an attempt to cool down and stay comfortable. 

However, many pets have a difficult or impossible time getting out of a pool once they get in. Therefore, monitor your pets around above or below ground pools to ensure they do not drown. 

3. Watch Out for Parasites

Many pets spend more time outside in the summer months, enjoying the sun and pleasant weather. Unfortunately, fleas, ticks, and other parasites also become more active during this time of the year. Apply flea and tick medications to your pets as recommended and check them regularly for signs of parasites. 

4. Give Your Pet Shade and Water

If your pet spends time outside, make sure they have access to both water and shade. Because pets don’t sweat, they have a more challenging time regulating their temperature through the hottest parts of the day. 

If you believe your pet may have gotten too hot but not yet experienced heatstroke, you may wipe them down with a moist cloth. This strategy helps simulate the cooling effects of sweat, allowing your pet to cool down more quickly. 

5. Bring a Travel Bag if You Go on a Trip

Summertime represents a chance for you to get out and enjoy the world. If you bring your pet with you, it’s good to pack a specialized pet travel bag. Include things like: 

  • Fresh water
  • Food
  • Travel bowls
  • Toys
  • Treats 

You may also consider including first-aid items to keep your pet safe. 

Learn More About Summer Pet Safety

Do you want more summer pet safety tips? Reach out to us to learn more and discuss your other pet care needs. We handle general appointments, problems with your dog’s teeth, and more. 

Call Santa Cruz Veterinary Clinic at 520-889-9643 for an appointment in Tucson, AZ.