Services Fee |
Fee |
Postage/Processing Fee | 1.00 |
Licensing Fee |
Fee |
Altered Dog | 18.00 | |
Altered Dog - Low Income Owner (Limit 4 per household - applies only to unincorporated County residents) | 11.00 | |
Altered Dog - Senior/Disabled Owner (Limit 4 per household) | 13.00 | |
Unaltered Dog | 63.00 | |
Duplicate or Transfer-of-Ownership License | 10.00 | |
Vicious/Dangerous Animal License | 102.00 |
Licensing Late Fee |
Fee |
Less than one year late | 10.00 | |
One to two years late | 22.00 | |
More than two years late | 36.00 | |
Multi-Dog (kennel) permit, residents of unincorporated Pima County only | *Minimum $400 | |
*The Kennel Permit fee is graduated subject to the number of animals licensed under the fee such that the permit holder pays $400 or 75% of the total cost of licensing all the animals individually, whichever is greater. |